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Facilitating Teacher Teams and Authentic PLCs: The Human Side of Leading People, Protocols, and Practices


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As professional learning communities become more widespread, educators have learned that they can't simply form grade-level or subject-area teams and call it a day. To profoundly affect teacher practice and student learning, PLCs need strong and knowledgeable leadership.

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About the authors

Daniel R. Venables is founder and executive director of the Center for Authentic PLCs, an independent consulting firm committed to assisting schools in building, leading, and sustaining authentic professional learning communities (PLCs). 

During his career of more than 30 years in education, Venables has been a classroom teacher in both public and independent schools in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Connecticut for 24 years, serving as a math department chair for 18 of those years. He was a professional development coordinator with the nation's 18th-largest district, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.

Daniel holds a master's degree in mathematics from Wesleyan University. In 1994, he was trained as a Math/Science Fellow with the Coalition of Essential Schools, where he began his working experience with PLCs. In 2002, he was named South Carolina Independent School Teacher of the Year.

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