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Before You Say a Word: A School Leader's Guide to Clear and Compelling Communication


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Learn what the best speakers do and don't do, and communicate with more confidence in both formal and informal situations, with audiences big and small.

Table of contents

Chapter 1. Who You Will Be Talking To

Chapter 2. What You Should Say

Chapter 3. What You Shouldn't Say

About the authors

Erik Palmer is a professional speaker and educational consultant from Denver, Colorado, whose passion for speaking has been part of every one of his multiple careers. After several years in the business world, he became a teacher, spending 21 years in the classroom, primarily as an English teacher but also as a teacher of math, science, and civics.

The author of several books, Palmer presents frequently at conferences and has given keynotes and led in-service training in school districts across the United States and around the world. He focuses on giving teachers practical, engaging ways to teach oral communication skills and showing education leaders how to be more effective communicators.

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