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Building a Math-Positive Culture: How to Support Great Math Teaching in Your School (ASCD Arias)


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Cathy L. Seeley, former president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, turns the spotlight on administrative leaders who are seeking to improve their math programs, offering an overview of what an effective program looks like and examples of actions to take to achieve that goal. Building a Math-Positive Culture addresses the following topics:

Table of contents

What Should a Good Mathematics Program Look Like?

How Do I Recognize, Support, and Evaluate Effective Math Teaching?

What's Working and What's Not?

How Do We Move from Ideas to Results?

About the authors

Cathy L. Seeley is committed to high-quality mathematics for every student. She has worked as a teacher, district mathematics coordinator, and Texas state mathematics director for grades K–12 and is a sought-after speaker, having spoken in all 50 states and around the world. 

A former president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Cathy recently retired as a Senior Fellow with the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas, where she worked on state and national policy and improvement efforts, with a focus on prekindergarten–grade 12 mathematics.

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