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From Standards to Success: A Guide for School Leaders


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In this era of accountability and high-stakes testing, school leaders must find more sophisticated ways to help all students succeed. But how can districts make adequate yearly progress without a coherent system for addressing state standards? In From Standards to Success, education professor Mark R. O’Shea introduces the Standards Achievement Planning Cycle (SAPC), a comprehensive protocol for meeting the standards.

Table of contents



An Overview of Curriculum Management for Standards Achievement

The Standards Achievement Planning Cycle

About the authors

Mark R. O'Shea is a professor of education at California State University-Monterey Bay. He is the founder and executive director of the Institute for the Achievement of Academic Standards. O'Shea received a bachelor's degree from the University of Virginia, an MAT degree from the University of Chicago, and an EdD from Teachers College, Columbia University. He has taught science in public high schools of Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey and has served as a school supervisor and board of education trustee. For the last 20 years, he has been an administrator and faculty member in colleges and universities in Virginia, Colorado, New Jersey, and California.

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