Great Performances: Creating Classroom-Based Assessment Tasks, 2nd Edition
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"What grade did you give me?" students often ask teachers, as if teachers randomly assign grades. Too many students do not understand how their academic performance in the classroom corresponds with various grades. Improving students' understanding of what their teachers expect them to do, how well they should be able to do it, and how they should go about accomplishing it is what this book is all about.
Table of contents
Info Out: Assessing Students' Understanding with Visual Representations
Info Out: Assessing Students' Understanding Using the Written Mode
About the authors
Betty earned her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction at the University of Oregon. She consults nationally in the areas of literacy, integrated thematic curriculum, performance-based assessment, and teaching methodology. She has published work in Educational Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, and Roeper Review. She and coauthor Larry Lewin have also written two books—one on performance assessment titled Great Performances: Creating Classroom-Based Assessment Tasks, and one on teaching strategies titled Innovative Instruction. Betty can be reached at or by mail at 2978 Dry Creek Road, Eugene, OR 97404.