Handbook for Qualities of Effective Teachers
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What makes an effective teacher? How do you help good teachers become even better? What tools and techniques are available to support and sustain quality teaching?
Table of contents
The Teacher as a Person
About the authors

Jennifer L. Hindman is an educational consultant with Teacher Quality Resources, LLC. She consults in the areas of teacher selection; teacher effectiveness; and teacher, educational specialist, and administrator performance evaluation. She coauthored Handbook for Qualities of Effective Teachers (2004) with James H. Stronge and Pamela D. Tucker. Her work has been published by Educational Leadership, Principal Leadership, and the National Center for Homeless Education. Her research interests include teacher effectiveness and teacher selection. She has conducted numerous workshops on the enhancement of teacher effectiveness in science, parental involvement, and resources for practitioners supporting students experiencing homelessness. Hindman received her PhD in educational policy, planning, and leadership at the College of William and Mary. She has been a middle school teacher and a science specialist. She may be contacted via e-mail at jhindman@teacherqualityresources.com; phone: (757) 564-1294.