Handling Student Frustrations: How do I help students manage emotions in the classroom? (ASCD Arias)
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When students' fears, stresses, and frustrations creep into the classroom and disrupt the learning process, how can you respond in a positive way that results in better relationships and higher levels of motivation and achievement?
Table of contents
The Continuum of Emotional States
Causes and Symptoms of Brain Hijackings
Examples of Brain Hijackings and How to Deal with Them
How Different Types of Students React to Their Emotions
About the authors

Renate Caine has taught middle school in Reno, Nevada, and high school in New Orleans, Louisiana, and helped to establish a small charter school in her local community. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Florida, where her dissertation revealed that teachers' use of "I" messages and active-listening strategies in the classroom positively affected students' self-concepts and attitude toward school and teachers after only six months of use. She recently retired from 20 years as a college professor and is currently the executive director of the Natural Learning Research Institute. She is the coauthor of the original ASCD publication Making Connections: Teaching and the Human Brain and nine others. By employing many of the strategies in this publication over the years, Renate eliminated almost all discipline problems, and her students have won awards for their high academic achievement. She can be reached at renate@nlri.org.