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Instructional Coaching in Action: An Integrated Approach That Transforms Thinking, Practice, and Schools


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Unlike "fix-it" strategies that targeted teachers are likely to resist, educator-centered instructional coaching—ECIC—offers respectful coaching for professionals within their schoolwide community. Evidence-based results across all content areas, authentic practices for data collection and analysis, along with nonevaluative, confidential collaboration offer a productive and promising path to teacher development. Coaches and teachers implement ECIC through a before-during-after—BDA—cycle that includes comprehensive planning between coach and teacher; classroom visitation and data collection; and debriefing and reflection.

Table of contents

Coaching—Not Just for Athletes

Part 1 of the BDA Cycle: The B—Planning

Part 2 of the BDA Cycle: The D—Visiting and Modeling

Part 3 of the BDA Cycle: The A—Reflecting and Debriefing

About the authors

Ellen B. Eisenberg is the executive director of the Pennsylvania Institute for Instructional Coaching (PIIC). Established in 2009, PIIC is supported by the Annenberg Foundation and the Pennsylvania Department of Education. It is a statewide resource for developing and supporting the delivery of consistent, high-quality professional development around instructional coaching and mentoring. Her work involves helping school districts plan an effective instructional coaching model built on PIIC's Before/During/After cycle of consultation and the four-quadrant framework of effective core coaching elements.

Eisenberg's experience with instructional coaching evolved through her 35-year teaching career and includes working with a whole-school reform model designed by Johns Hopkins University from 2000 to 2005 and her work as the executive director of the Pennsylvania High School Coaching Initiative from 2005 to 2009. Funded by the Annenberg Foundation, it was the United States' only multitiered teacher coaching initiative, providing trained teacher leaders—called coaches—to high schools across Pennsylvania. Eisenberg has authored and coauthored several articles and has presented several times locally, nationally, and internationally.

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