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Leading Change Together: Developing Educator Capacity Within Schools and Systems


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"If we can get adult development right, we can change the world!"

Table of contents

Theory for Understanding and Supporting Adult Development

Pillar Practices for Effective Collaboration

Feedback for Growth

About the authors

Eleanor (Ellie) Drago-Severson is Professor of Education Leadership and Adult Learning and Leadership, and director of the PhD Program in Educational Leadership, at Teachers College, Columbia University. 

A developmental psychologist, Drago-Severson teaches, conducts research, and consults to school and district leaders, teacher leaders, and organizations on professional and personal growth and learning; leadership that supports principal, teacher, school, and leadership development; and coaching and developmental mentoring in K–12 schools, university settings, and other for-profit and nonprofit organizations. She is also an internationally certified Immunity to Change Coach who works with leaders to build internal capacity, improve performance, and help them achieve their goals. Her work is inspired by the idea that schools, districts, and organizations must be places where adults and those entrusted to them can grow. 

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