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Math Fact Fluency: 60+ Games and Assessment Tools to Support Learning and Retention


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Mastering the basic facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is an essential goal for all students. Most educators also agree that success at higher levels of math hinges on this fundamental skill. But what's the best way to get there? Are flash cards, drills, and timed tests the answer? If so, then why do students go into the upper elementary grades (and beyond) still counting on their fingers or experiencing math anxiety? What does research say about teaching basic math facts so they will stick?

Table of contents

Foundational Addition and Subtraction Facts

Derived Fact Strategies for Addition and Subtraction

Foundational Multiplication and Division Facts

Derived Fact Strategies for Multiplication and Division

About the authors

Jennifer Bay-Williams is a mathematics teacher educator at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, and focuses on helping teachers and students attain basic fact fluency while also developing strong mathematical identities.

Bay-Williams is a national leader in mathematics education, having served as a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Board of Directors, president of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), lead writer for the Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics (AMTE, 2017), and member of TODOS: Mathematics for ALL.

She has written various mathematics teaching books including Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally and the three-book series Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics.

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