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Measuring What We Do in Schools: How to Know If What We Are Doing Is Making a Difference


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What is a true learning organization, and how can your school become one?

Table of contents

Measuring What We Do in Schools

The Continuous School Improvement Framework: A Guide to Evaluation with Systems Thinking

Evaluating Programs

Measuring Hard-to-Measure Processes

About the authors

Victoria L. Bernhardt, PhD, is executive director of the Education for the Future Initiative, whose mission is to build the capacity of learning organizations at all levels to gather, analyze, and use data to continuously improve learning for all students. She is also a professor emeritus in the College of Communication and Education at California State University, Chico. Bernhardt received her PhD in Educational Psychology Research and Measurement, with a minor in Mathematics, from the University of Oregon.

She has worked for more than 25 years with learning organizations all over the world to assist them with their continuous improvement and comprehensive data analysis work. She is the author of 20 books, including the widely recognized Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement, 3rd Edition.

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