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On Being a Teacher: Readings from Educational Leadership (EL Essentials)


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If you had to name the defining characteristic of a "good teacher," what trait would you suggest? Would you start ticking off the skills listed on the evaluation framework used in your district? Or would you think back to your own experiences and consider the most memorable educators you've known? In this collection of articles from Educational Leadership, the authors—all educators and educators of educators—discuss what it means to be a good teacher. They include tips and strategies for everything from connecting with students to planning the teaching day, reflections on the profession as a whole, and descriptions of practices that can make the teaching experience more effective and more rewarding.

Table of contents

The Don'ts and Don'ts of Teaching

Notes from an Accidental Teacher

New Teachers Face Three Common Challenges

Essential Skills for New Teachers

About the authors

Marge Scherer has contributed to Educational Leadership.

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