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Tapping the Power of Personalized Learning: A Roadmap for School Leaders


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In this powerful new book, James Rickabaugh, former superintendent and current director of the Institute for Personalized Learning (IPL), presents the groundbreaking results of the Institute's half-decade of research, development, and practice: a simple but powerful model for personalizing students' learning experiences by building their levels of commitment, ownership, and independence.

Table of contents

The Honeycomb Model

Personalized Learning from the Students' Perspective

The Five Key Instructional Shifts of Personalized Learning

About the authors

James Rickabaugh is the director of the Institute for Personalized Learning, an education innovation lab dedicated to transforming public education. The institute serves a growing number of member school districts engaged in personalized learning and is a part of the multistate Innovation Lab Network coordinated by the Council of Chief State School Officers.

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