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The Way to Inclusion: How Leaders Create Schools Where Every Student Belongs


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The research is clear: Including students with disabilities in general education classrooms is the most effective way for all students to learn.

Table of contents

Chapter 2. See the System

Chapter 3. Develop Your Inclusive Vision

About the authors

Julie Causton is a bestselling author, inspiring speaker, and inclusive education advocate. The founder and CEO of Inclusive Schooling, she is a former tenured professor in the Department of Teaching and Leadership at Syracuse University, where she headed the Inclusive Elementary Education Program.

A former elementary, middle, and high school special education teacher, she has conducted presentations focusing on engaging ways to educate all students within the context of general education that have inspired and uplifted educators and families throughout the United States and helped them learn the most cutting-edge inclusive practices. Julie is the author of a dozen books about inclusive education and has published articles in over 30 educational research and practitioner journals.

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