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What If I'm Wrong? and Other Key Questions for Decisive School Leadership


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It can be difficult to think clearly and deeply when a decision must be made, especially for principals and other administrators barraged with information, questions, and demands on their time. When even the smallest mistake can negatively affect students and staff, strong decision-making skills are crucial. By focusing on key questions, however, school leaders can find a path through the complex decisions they encounter every day.

Table of contents

Question 2. What's One Small Step?

Question 3. Where's the Trade-Off?

Question 4. Does It Have to Be This Way?

About the authors

Simon Rodberg is a strategy consultant and leader coach who teaches educational leadership at American University. He was the founding principal of DC International School (DCI), a public charter school in Washington, D.C., as well as an assistant principal, district official, and teacher in D.C. and Massachusetts. DCI was among the top performers in the city, earning "best middle school" and "best high school" in the Washington City Paper poll and other accolades. His writing has appeared in Educational LeadershipHarvard Business ReviewPrincipal LeadershipPrincipal magazine, and The New York Times.

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