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September 1, 2010
3 min
Vol. 68
No. 1

ASCD Community in Action September 2010

News and updates from around the association.

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A Call for Candidates

Do you know a forward-thinking ASCD member with a passion to make a difference? Could this person be you? ASCD is seeking candidates from diverse backgrounds for governance positions. Elected leaders have the responsibility of ensuring that programs, products, and services focus on the success of learners and that ASCD resources are wisely used to promote ASCD values. Please consider self-nominating or encouraging potential candidates to submit a nomination form. You can complete the form online at www.ascd.org/nominations.

The 2010 General Membership Election

Eligible ASCD members received a ballot for the 2010 general membership election in the September issue of Education Update. You must sign and date your ballot for compliance with Virginia code. Unsigned, undated ballots are not valid. Mail your completed ballot (postage-paid) by October 15, 2010. You may also vote online by going to http://my.ascd.org and entering your member ID and password. Additional information on the president-elect candidates is available at www.ascd.org/candidatesforum.

And the Winners Are … Us!

ASCD recently garnered 15 awards and several finalist designations across six highly regarded national and international competitions that identify excellence in publishing, design, and web-based video. Member benefits, such as Educational Leadership and Education Update, were recognized across multiple categories.

APEX Awards

  • Educational Leadership: The December 2009/January 2010 issue on "Health and Learning" for editorial quality in the magazine category; the cover of the April 2010 issue on "Reimagining School" for excellence in design.
  • Education Update: The March 2009 issue for editorial quality in the newsletter writing category.
  • Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 3rd Edition: For excellence in design.

EXCEL Awards

  • Educational Leadership Online: EXCEL gold for editorial excellence in the website category.
  • ASCD Express: EXCEL gold for general excellence in the electronic newsletter category.
  • ASCD's Inservice blog: EXCEL silver in the blog publishing category.
  • Education Update: EXCEL bronze for general excellence in the newsletter category.
  • The 2008 ASCD Annual Report and Timeline Beyond Boundaries: EXCEL bronze for innovation in the online publishing category.

Association Trends

  • Educational Leadership: A gold award in the category Scholarly/Technical/Scientific Journal for the September 2009 issue on "Teaching for the 21st Century."

American Inhouse Design Awards

Telly Awards

A web-based video campaign structured around the "Critical Transformations" theme of ASCD's 2010 Annual Conference won a Bronze Telly award in the 31st Annual Telly Awards competition. The campaign showcased interviews with education experts who shared experiences that made a profound impact on their development as education professionals.

AEP Awards

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