How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students, 2nd Edition
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Properly crafted and individually tailored feedback on student work boosts student achievement across subjects and grades. In this updated and expanded second edition of her best-selling book, Susan M. Brookhart offers enhanced guidance and three lenses for considering the effectiveness of feedback: (1) does it conform to the research, (2) does it offer an episode of learning for the student and teacher, and (3) does the student use the feedback to extend learning? In this comprehensive guide for teachers at all levels, you will find information on every aspect of feedback, including
Table of contents
Feedback: An Overview
Feedback: The Micro View—Characteristics of the Feedback Message
Feedback: The Micro View—Written Feedback
Feedback: The Micro View—Oral Feedback
Feedback: The Snapshot View—Feedback as an Episode of Learning