Ivan Charner
Ivan Charner is the Director of the FHI 360 National Institute for Work and Learning. He is a domestic education and workforce development specialist with almost 40 years of experience in the design, development, and management of projects and programs dealing with educational policy, teacher education and professional development, college and career readiness, workforce development, and systemic reform. He works with state and local school systems, higher education institutions, corporations, government agencies, and community-based organizations to integrate and improve education, training, and career-related systems. Charner's areas of expertise include career technical education; teacher training and professional development; school-to-career system building; school reform; curriculum integration; school-business partnerships; work-based learning; and adult education and training. He designs and conducts training workshops, seminars, and conferences, is a regular presenter at the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, and has written extensively on teacher preparation and effectiveness, youth transition from school to career, school reform, college and career readiness issues, instructional coaching, career and technical education, and school-business partnerships.