Instructional Coaching in Action: An Integrated Approach That Transforms Thinking, Practice, and Schools
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Unlike "fix-it" strategies that targeted teachers are likely to resist, educator-centered instructional coaching—ECIC—offers respectful coaching for professionals within their schoolwide community. Evidence-based results across all content areas, authentic practices for data collection and analysis, along with nonevaluative, confidential collaboration offer a productive and promising path to teacher development. Coaches and teachers implement ECIC through a before-during-after—BDA—cycle that includes comprehensive planning between coach and teacher; classroom visitation and data collection; and debriefing and reflection.
Table of contents
Coaching—Not Just for Athletes
Part 1 of the BDA Cycle: The B—Planning
Part 2 of the BDA Cycle: The D—Visiting and Modeling
Part 3 of the BDA Cycle: The A—Reflecting and Debriefing