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Log in to Witsby: ASCD’s Next-Generation Professional Learning and Credentialing Platform
December 1, 2007
Vol. 65
No. 4

ASCD Community in Action

Ready to Take More Action?

  • Grade your school and community at the Whole Child Web site (<LINK URL="http://www.wholechildeducation.org">www.wholechildeducation.org</LINK>). Ask your school, district, and community leaders to respond to your results.
  • Conduct a community conversation with neighbors, the students in your class, your PTA, and colleagues. Find out what they think about educating the whole child, and begin developing a plan for your community.
  • Contact your senators and representative now to ask them to cosponsor the GRADUATES Act, which reflects whole child education concepts in high school reform.
  • Visit <LINK URL="http://www.wholechildeducation.org">www.wholechildeducation.org</LINK> to learn more. The home page and resource clearinghouse are regularly updated with new resources, tools, and articles.
  • Spread the word about the whole child. E-mail friends and colleagues, share your story on the Whole Child Web site, and engage other educators in discussion on the ASCD blog (<LINK URL="http://www.ascd.org/blog">www.ascd.org/blog</LINK>).

Step into ASCD Leadership

ASCD's Nominations Committee invites all members to nominate themselves or encourage qualified individuals to nominate themselves for significant leadership positions within the organization. In 2008, the General Membership election will fill positions for President-Elect, the Board of Directors, and Leadership Council Members-at-Large. The Leadership Council election will fill positions on the Board of Directors from the Leadership Council.
Application forms are available online at www.ascd.org/nominations. For a print version, contact Nominations Committee Chair Susan Kerns (sue.kerns@eu.dodea.edu) or Becky DeRigge (bderigge@ascd.org; 800-933-2723 or 703-575-5601). Return the completed forms to the chair by January 31, 2008.

Resources for Informative Assessment

This article was published anonymously, or the author name was removed in the process of digital storage.

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ASCD is a community dedicated to educators' professional growth and well-being.

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Informative Assessment
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