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March 1, 2012
Vol. 69
No. 6

ASCD Community in Action

Looking for Emerging Leaders

ASCD is seeking education professionals with 5 to 15 years of experience who are interested in becoming active in ASCD for the first time. Emerging leaders pursue a variety of leadership paths throughout the two-year program, including getting more involved in education policy, writing for ASCD, pursuing leadership positions with ASCD governance and constituent groups, and supporting the Whole Child Initiative.
ASCD is accepting applications until April 1, 2012; accepted applicants will be notified in May. For more information and to apply, visit www.ascd.org/emergingleaders.

New EL Themes Are Out!

Educational Leadership has recently released its themes for 2012–13:
  • September 2012: Feedback for Learning
  • October 2012: Working with Challenging Students
  • November 2012: Teacher Evaluation: What's Fair? What's Effective?
  • December 2012/January 2013: Common Core: Now What?
  • February 2013: Creativity Now!
  • March 2013: Technology-Rich Learning
  • April 2013: The Principalship
  • May 2013: The Faces of Poverty
For complete descriptions of the themes, go to www.ascd.org/Publications/Educational-Leadership/Upcoming-Themes/Upcoming-Educational-Leadership-Themes.aspx. For information on the article submission process and guidelines for writers, go to www.ascd.org/writeforel.

@Ed_Leadership Is Moving!

You can now find @Ed_Leadership in the @ASCD channel on Twitter. Tweets about EL content and articles will now be included in the ASCD feed, where you'll also be able to receive updates on important policy issues, education news, and more. Join us today by following @ASCD on Twitter at www.twitter.com/ascd.

Attention ASCD Members

In early May 2012, ASCD members will be asked to vote on a set of proposed changes to ASCD's constitution. Additional information about the changes and how to access the online ballot will be available on the ASCD website in March and in the April issue of Educational Leadership.


This article was published anonymously, or the author name was removed in the process of digital storage.

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