Jenny Grant Rankin
Jenny Grant Rankin, PhD, teaches the Post Doc Masterclass at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Rankin, who resides in California most of the year, earned a PhD in Education, with a specialization in School Improvement Leadership. She is an award-winning former junior high school teacher who earned such honors as being named Teacher of the Year and having the American flag flown over the US Capitol building in honor of her dedication to her students. As the majority of her students were socio-economically disadvantaged English learners, she specialized in using data, differentiation, and creative instruction (e.g., gamification, project-based learning, global learning) to ensure that her exceptional students were being challenged and engaged even as they learned alongside struggling and grade-level learners. Dr. Rankin, a Mensan who grew up in GT/GATE/TAG, is the assistant coordinator of her county's Mensa Gifted Youth Program and the author of numerous books and journal articles.