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Getting the Grant: How Educators Can Write Winning Proposals and Manage Successful Projects


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Grant writing is not as daunting a task as it may seem—at least not when you have experts to guide you. In the first half of this book, the authors explain what every grant writer needs to know and do to successfully secure funding. You will learn the following:

Table of contents

Preparing to Write Your Grant Proposal

Writing a Successful Proposal: Tips and Tools

Application Review from an Insider's Perspective

About the authors

Rebecca Gajda is an Assistant Professor in the Secondary Education and Educational Leadership Programs in the College of Education and Social Services at the University of Vermont. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in curriculum, instruction, and assessment. She has a master's degree in special education and spent many years developing and teaching in programs for children at risk. She was the Education Codirector at Youth S.A.F.E., a shelter for homeless and abused children and adolescents, and the dropout prevention coordinator for a large, demographically diverse school district in Colorado for several years.

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