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A Handbook for Classroom Management That Works


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What strategies are most effective in creating a well-managed classroom that supports the best possible teaching and learning? What rules and procedures should you establish, and what kinds of consequences are appropriate for students who break the rules? How can you foster positive relationships with even the most challenging students? This companion volume to Classroom Management That Works helps teachers at all grade levels master the array of skills needed for a productive learning environment. Through worksheets, case studies, and other materials, readers learn how to use the seven essentials of effective classroom management that Robert J. Marzano identified by analyzing more than 100 research studies. Discussion questions and self-assessments allow readers to examine their own practices and understanding, while also providing a ready-made forum for study teams working together to develop their skills. Teachers are the most important factor in student learning; their ability to manage their classrooms strongly influences the quality of their teaching—and thus the success of their students. A Handbook for Classroom Management That Works provides sound advice and real-world solutions to help teachers establish a classroom where learning and teaching can thrive.

Table of contents

Module 4: Use of Materials and Equipment

Module 5: Group Work

About the authors

Robert Marzano is the CEO of Marzano Research Laboratory in Centennial, CO, which provides research-based, partner-centered support for educators and education agencies—with the goal of helping teachers improve educational practice.

As strategic advisor, Robert brings over 50 years of experience in action-based education research, professional development, and curriculum design to Marzano Research. He has expertise in standards-based assessment, cognition, school leadership, and competency-based education, among a host of areas.

He is the author of 30 books, 150 articles and chapters in books, and 100 sets of curriculum materials for teachers and students in grades K–12.

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