Teaching in Tandem: Effective Co-Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom
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Co-teaching is an equal partnership between a special education teacher and a general education teacher. They share a classroom and responsibilities for teaching all students in the class. But what does co-teaching look like? How does it work? Are we doing it right?
Table of contents
Understanding the Basics
Delving into the Details
Establishing and Maintaining Effective Co-Teaching Relationships
Planning Lessons
Developing Curriculum and Assessment
About the authors
Joan Blednick has more than 40 years' experience in public education, as a teacher, guidance counselor, administrator, and adjunct college professor. She received her doctorate in education from Nova University. Most recently, as principal of the Ames Campus of Massapequa High School, New York, Blednick developed and implemented a co-teaching model. Presently, as an educational consultant for Strategic Training and Research Consultants in New York, she strives to build effective co-teaching programs. The scope of Blednick's experience in education has helped her understand how all the parts work best together in an integrated model of co-teaching. She may be contacted at jabled@optonline.net.