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How to Help Beginning Teachers Succeed


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Nearly half of the beginning teachers in the United States drop out of teaching within the first seven years. Understanding why those teachers leave and identifying the needs of new teachers are key to addressing the attrition rates of a school′s staff and those of educators across the United States.

Table of contents

The Solution: A Beginning Teacher Assistance Program

Developing an Assistance Program


Needs Assessment

Forms of Initial Assistance

About the authors

Stephen P. Gordon is associate professor at University of South Florida. He is coauthor of a popular text on instructional supervision and has coauthored several chapters and articles on instructional leadership and professional development. Gordon has chaired a state task force on teacher induction and has assisted many school districts in the development of beginning teacher assistance programs and professional development programs. Gordon can be contacted at Department of Leadership Development, University of South Florida, 4202 Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33620-5650. Phone (813) 974-3420.

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