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The Motivated Brain: Improving Student Attention, Engagement, and Perseverance


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What really motivates students to learn? What gets them interested—and keeps them interested—in pursuing knowledge and understanding? Recent neuroscientific findings have uncovered the source of our motivation to learn, or as neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp terms it, the drive to seek. Seeking is what gets us out of bed in the morning, the engine that powers our actions, and the need that manifests as curiosity.

Table of contents

Part I: Understanding Motivation

The Science of Motivation: The SEEKING System

Part II: SEEKING in the Classroom: A Framework for Motivation

About the authors

Gayle Gregory is an internationally known consultant who has specialized in brain compatible learning and differentiated instruction and assessment. She presents practical teacher- and student-friendly strategies grounded in sound research that educators find easy to use in the classroom or schoolhouse tomorrow. Her interactive style and modeling of strategies help teachers and administrators transfer new ideas with ease.

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