Becoming a Better Teacher: Eight Innovations That Work
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Becoming a Better Teacher provides K–12 educators with key information about some of the most effective teaching and learning tools available today—in one convenient publication. Each of the innovations has a long history of use and has been researched and evaluated in a variety of settings. Giselle Marting-Kniep chose these specific innovations because, as a whole, they foster a student-centered classroom environment that is both equitable and rigorous. In separate chapters for each topic, she addresses (1) essential questions, (2) curriculum integration, (3) standards-based curriculum and assessment design, (4) authentic assessment, (5) scoring rubrics, (6) portfolios, (7) reflection, and (8) action research. Annotated lists of recommended resources provide suggestions for further exploration of each topic.
Table of contents
The Power of Essential Questions
Curriculum Integration as a Tool for Coherence
Authentic Assessment