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Building Educator Capacity Through Microcredentials


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This practical guide shows leaders how to implement and sustain a robust microcredentialing program in their school or district.

Table of contents

Chapter 2. Meeting School and District Goals

Chapter 3. Selecting Microcredentials

Chapter 4. Designing Microcredentials

About the authors

Eric M. Carbaugh, PhD, is a full professor in the Department of Middle, Secondary, and Mathematics Education at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, where he instructs both undergraduate and graduate courses. As an educational consultant, he has worked with teachers and leaders at more than 100 schools and districts on a variety of topics related to curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

He is a coauthor of Designing Authentic Performance Tasks and Projects and the quick reference guide Principles and Practices for Effective Blended Learning. He has teaching experience at both the elementary and secondary levels and serves as the journal editor and a board member for the Virginia ASCD chapter.


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