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Engage the Brain: How to Design for Learning That Taps into the Power of Emotion


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Research on the brain has shown that emotion plays a key role in learning, but how can educators apply that research in their day-to-day interactions with students? What are some teaching strategies that take advantage of what we know about the brain?

Table of contents


Design for Variability

Foster the Development of Brain Networks

About the authors

Allison Posey is a curriculum and design specialist at CAST, the Center for Applied Special Technology. Before her work at CAST, she was a life science teacher in middle school, high school, and community college settings, teaching genetics, anatomy, physiology, biology, neuroscience, and psychology. Posey received a degree in Mind, Brain, and Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is the author of Engage the Brain: How to Design for Learning That Taps into the Power of Emotion.

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