Engineering Essentials for STEM Instruction: How do I infuse real-world problem solving into science, technology, and math? (ASCD Arias)
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Are you looking for ways to incorporate rigorous problem solving in your classroom? Are you struggling with how to include the "E" in your STEM instruction? Here is where to start.
Table of contents
The Engineering Design Process
Incorporating Engineering: Why and Why Now?
Planning and Delivering an Engineering-Infused Lesson
About the authors

Pamela Truesdell is a member of the Resource Team for the Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Mathematics and Science Program (CEEMS) at the University of Cincinnati, where she coaches teachers as they implement challenge-based learning through engineering-infused lessons. A teacher for 30 years in the Cincinnati Public Schools, she taught history, mathematics, computer science, and engineering. She served as the chairperson for the Engineering Department at Western Hills Engineering High School and was part of the committee that helped the school receive National Certification from Project Lead The Way Engineering in 2010. In 2011, Truesdell was selected for the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program, and she served two years at the National Science Foundation working on the Research Experiences for Teachers in Engineering program. You may reach her at