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Evaluating Instructional Coaching: People, Programs, and Partnership


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A clear and comprehensive guide to evaluating and supporting instructional coaches and coaching programs, including how to recruit, hire, and retain effective coaches.

Table of contents

Evaluating Instructional Coaches

Evaluating Instructional Coaching Programs

About the authors

Sharon Thomas, senior consultant at Instructional Coaching Group (ICG), is an English teacher, instructional coach, student advocate, and writer. Along with her work in ICG workshops, Thomas coordinates the ICG Coaching Certification process.

She is also a consultant for the Touchstones Discussion Project and a Certified SIM Professional Developer in the area of writing. She is the founder of the Cecil County [Maryland] Teacher Leadership Network and has presented at conferences across North America on the issues of secondary school literacy and teacher leadership. Her experience with teacher leadership in school reform was published in Principal Leadership.

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