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Getting Started with English Language Learners: How Educators Can Meet the Challenge


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Have you had these thoughts? Take heart, you are not alone. As schools and districts swell with growing numbers of English language learners, and as administrators and teachers wrestle with federal guidelines for educating these students, many educators are faced with these same challenges and many more. To meet these challenges, it is imperative that educators learn about and use the theories and teaching strategies that will help English language learners succeed in the classroom.

Table of contents

Foreword— by Monica Schnee


Correlating Instruction with the Stages of Second-Language Acquisition

About the authors

Judie Haynes is a renowned ESL teacher with 28 years of experience working in urban and suburban settings with diverse students and their families. She brings a depth of knowledge and practice teaching students and working with families who have experienced trauma, violence, and chronic stress and has supported many school districts in designing and implementing curriculum for students who have experienced these phenomena.

She provides professional learning throughout the United States on working with English learners and presents at international TESOL and various TESOL affiliates in the United States and Canada. Haynes is the author and coauthor of seven books and writes a biweekly blog for TESOL. She is the cofounder and co-moderator of #ELLCHAT, a widely known Twitter chat.

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