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Leading for Differentiation: Growing Teachers Who Grow Kids


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To differentiate instruction is to act on the belief that all kids deserve access to the richest, most compelling learning experiences and to provide the scaffolding they need to seize that opportunity. While a handful of teachers in a school might be using differentiation to great success, it takes a collaborative, schoolwide approach to maximize differentiation's effectiveness and improve outcomes for all students.

Table of contents

Nurturing Individual Change

Designing a Vision for the Differentiated Landscape

Cultivating Deep Adult Learning

Engaging in Productive Conversations That Nourish Growth

About the authors

Carol Ann Tomlinson is William Clay Parrish Jr. Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia's School of Education and Human Development. The author of more than 300 publications, she works throughout the United States and internationally with educators who want to create classrooms that are more responsive to a broad range of learners.

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