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Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 4th Edition


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In the decades since it was first introduced, Howard Gardner' s multiple intelligences (MI) theory has transformed how people think about learning the world over. Educators using the theory have achieved remarkable success in helping all students, including those who learn in nontraditional ways, to navigate school (and life outside it) with confidence and success.

Table of contents

MI Theory and Personal Development

Describing Intelligences in Students

Teaching Students About MI Theory

About the authors

Thomas Armstrong, educator, psychologist, and writer, is the Executive Director of the American Institute for Learning and Human Development. Over 30 years, he has given more than 1000 keynotes, workshop presentations, and lectures on 6 continents, in 29 countries, and 44 states.

He has written for numerous magazines, newspapers, and journals and is the author of 18 books, including the ASCD books Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, Neurodiversity in the Classroom, The Power of the Adolescent Brain, The Best Schools, The Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing, ADD/ADHD Alternatives in the Classroom, and Awakening Genius in the Classroom.

Armstrong has also appeared on NBC’s The Today Show, CBS This Morning, CNN, the BBC and The Voice of America.

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