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Teaching Students to Become Self-Determined Learners


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Children are born learning machines who want to learn and can organize and manage their own learning. Unfortunately, today children have little choice over what they do in school and how and when they do it. Children prepared in this "other-determined" manner will be poorly equipped to navigate an adult world requiring that they act autonomously and self-direct learning to acquire skills in rapidly changing environments.

Table of contents

Why Student Ownership and Self-Determined Learning

Promoting Student Ownership and Self-Determined Learning

Enabling Conditions for Student Ownership and Self-Determined Learning

Teaching Strategies for Student Ownership and Self-Determined Learning

Assessment and Technology for Student Ownership and Self-Determined Learning

About the authors

Michael Wehmeyer is the Ross and Marianna Beach distinguished professor and chairperson, Department of Special Education, at the University of Kansas. His scholarly work has focused on understanding and promoting self-determination, creating and evaluating autonomy supportive interventions, and the application of positive psychology to the disability context. He has published extensively in these areas with more than 40 books and 400 articles and book chapters.

Wehmeyer has held numerous leadership and editorial positions in the field and has been recognized for his research and service with awards from numerous associations and organizations, including the American Psychological Association Distinguished Contributions to the Advancement of Disability Issues in Psychology Award.

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