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Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner, 2nd Edition


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Here are 51 easy-to-use, classroom-tested alternatives to the "stand and deliver" teaching techniques that cause so many students to tune out or drop out. Teachers report that these techniques motivate students to participate in learning, as they build confidence and are supported by compelling and safe ways to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of lessons.

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About the authors

Pérsida Himmele is an associate professor at Millersville University in Pennsylvania. She has served as an elementary and middle school teacher, a district administrator, an English language learner program consultant, and a public speaker on issues related to student engagement and teaching in diverse classrooms.

She has lived, taught, and studied in New York, California, and Pennsylvania, becoming actively involved in advocating for the passage of educational policies and funding formulas for the betterment of urban schools and English language learners.

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