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Log in to Witsby: ASCD’s Next-Generation Professional Learning and Credentialing Platform
December 1, 2009
Vol. 67
No. 4

ASCD Community in Action

What Readers Say About EL

  • Readers spend an average of 1.2 hours reading each issue. Sixty-one percent of readers read all four of the last four issues. Readex tells us that these statistics are above the norms for the time that readers spend reading other publications.
  • Each issue of EL has an extended reach. On average, readers share their issue with two other people; the norm for publications in general is 1.2.
  • Ninety-three percent of readers report that in the last 12 months they have taken at least one action as a result of reading EL. Top actions were "shared articles with colleague," "discussed articles with colleagues," and "saved article for reference."
  • Nine of 10 respondents regularly read at least one other education publication. Forty-six percent said EL is "much better" and another 36 percent rated it "somewhat better."
  • A majority of readers give EL the very top ratings (9 or 10 on a 10-point scale) on the following four characteristics: up-to-date, trustworthy source, readable, and always has something I want to read.
  • Sixty-five percent of readers report having accessed EL on the ASCD Web site, including 33 percent who access it at least monthly. Twenty-five percent say they are accessing it more often than they did a year ago.
  • EL readers want more coverage of instruction and curriculum topics. Among the topics they would like to read more about are assessment, teacher quality, and authentic learning. Expect to see these and many more topics covered in the upcoming issues.
Readers, thank you for your vote of confidence. We promise that we won't rest on our laurels. We invite you to tell us what you would like to see more of in Educational Leadership. E-mail us atedleadership@ascd.org or talk to us online on the blog (www.ascd.org/blog); on Twitter (http://twitter.com/ed_leadership); or onEL Exchange (www.ascd.org/el).

Healthy School Communities

ASCD's Healthy School Communities is a worldwide effort to promote the integration of health and learning and the benefits of school-community partnerships. If your school and community are interested in joining, start by using Creating a Healthy School Using the Healthy School Report Card. This ASCD action tool helps users identify both strengths and needs within their broad school community and design customized plans to support learning and teaching.
For instance, T. C. Howe Academy in Indianapolis, Indiana, has found an effective way to serve students, staff, and families. The school hosts the Learning Well Clinic, a collaboration with Community Health Network of Indianapolis. A nurse practitioner oversees the operation of the clinic, which students can use with parental consent and regardless of health insurance status. The clinic has separate hours for use by school and community members. The clinic's location and the medical and psychological support it provides help keep students in school. Clinic staff and teachers collaborate to explore how to improve and sustain the health and well-being of both students and staff.
School-community partnerships may apply to become part of the . Associate Sites receive technical assistance and invitations to participate in professional development programs. You can find information about the application process and the program requirements on the Healthy School Communities Web site at.


Run for Elected Office in 2010

ASCD's Nominations Committee invites all members to self-select or nominate qualified individuals for leadership positions within the organization. In 2010, the General Membership election will fill positions for President-Elect, the Board of Directors, and Leadership Council Members-at-Large. The Leadership Council election will fill positions on the Board of Directors from the Leadership Council.
Nominations forms are available online at www.ascd.org/nominations. For a print version, contact 2009–2010 Nominations Committee Chair David Mathis atdmathis@saluda.k12.sc.us or Becky DeRigge at ASCD; bderigge@ascd.org; 800-933-2723 or 703-575-5601. The completed forms must be returned to the chair by January 31, 2010.

This article was published anonymously, or the author name was removed in the process of digital storage.

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