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Log in to Witsby: ASCD’s Next-Generation Professional Learning and Credentialing Platform
April 1, 2002
3 min
Vol. 59
No. 7

ASCD in Action

New ASCD Resources


Porro, B. (2002). Teaching Conflict Resolutionwith the Rainbow Kids Program. Includes storybook:The Rainbow Kids Story. Price: $20.95(member); $24.95 (nonmember). Stock No. 101247.
Thornburg, D. (2002). The New Basics: Education andthe Future of Work in the Telematic Age. Price: $17.95(member); $21.95 (nonmember). Stock No. 102005.

PD Online Course

Designing Performance Assessments. (2002).Price: $34.95 (member and nonmember). Register online atthe ASCD Web site (www.ascd.org)by clicking on “Professional Development” and thenselecting “PD Online Courses.”


Presentation Digest IX. (2002). IncludesStandards-Based Grading and Home-School Communicationsand Collaborative Analysis of Student Work: AValuable Tool for Teacher Growth. Price: $42.95(member); $50.95 (nonmember). Stock No. 202290.


Reading in the Content Areas (Video series).(2002). Includes Prereading Strategies, During-ReadingStrategies, and Postreading Strategies.Price: $440 (member); $540 (nonmember). Stock No. 402029.

ASCD on the Road

Mark your calendar for two exciting ASCD conferences. Debutingthis summer is ASCD's first Understanding by Design Conference.Taking place July 22–24, 2002, in Boston, Massachusetts, theconference features Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, the developersof the Understanding by Design program. Participants will exploreways to implement the program in different grade levels and subjectareas.
Then, join us October 11–13 in New Orleans, Louisiana,for the 2002 Teaching & Learning Conference. This year'sconference focuses on Increasing Student Achievement: Instructionaland Leadership Practices That Work. Conference presentersinclude Carol Ann Tomlinson, Carl Glickman, Robert Marzano,and Edna O'Connor.
Conference previews for both events are available through theASCD Service Center at (800) 933-2723.

ASCD Positions on School Choice

The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development hasthe following official positions related to school choice:
Choice of Schools—When consideringchoice programs, authorizing agencies must balance concern forindividual benefit with concern for the community as a whole. Inaccord with democratic principles, schools of choice must provideequal access to all students.
  • Takes badly needed money away from public schools.
  • Violates separation of church and state if religiousschools are included.
  • Increases inequity by encouraging the most activeparents to leave the public schools.
  • Does not provide accountability for use of publicfunds.

Back Issues of EL

Did you miss the Educational Leadershipissue on Differentiated Learning? Need extra copies of the issueon the Science of Learning for your next professional developmentprogram? Back issues of Educational Leadershipare available for order through the ASCD Online Store(www.ascd.org) or by callingthe ASCD Service Center at (800) 933-2723. Price: $6 per copy.

ASCD Network Spotlight

  • Alternative Educators Alliance. For educatorsinterested in alternative high schools and programs. Contact: Hector Geager,(212) 242-8516, <LINK URL="mailto:hector_geager@cce.org">hector_geager@cce.org</LINK>.
  • Differentiated Instruction. Showcasesand promotes to educators, parents, and community members thevaried ways in which learning environments can support the needsof all learners. Contact: Patricia Woodin-Weaver, (973) 267-1518,<LINK URL="mailto:PMWoodin-Weaver@cs.com">PMWoodin-Weaver@cs.com</LINK>.

For Your Calendar

  1. 2003: San Francisco, March 8–10
  2. 2004: New Orleans, March 20–22
  3. 2005: Orlando, April 2–4
  1. Multiple Intelligences for Student and Teacher SuccessAlbuquerque: May 2–3, 2002
  2. Rethinking High Schools: The Future is NowAlbuquerque: May 2–3, 2002

Service Learning to Engage Students

Service learning offers the ideal opportunity to help studentshelp others and to engage them in academics and civics at thesame time, according to a new report by the National Commissionon Service-Learning.
The Commission, which is chaired by former Senator John Glenn,seeks to ensure that every student in primary and secondary schoolparticipates in quality service learning every year as an integraland essential part of the American education experience. TheCommission makes four specific recommendations to achieve this goal:expand the definition of student achievement to include students'community contributions; increase policy, program, and financialsupports for service learning in K–12 education; develop acomprehensive system of professional development regarding servicelearning; and provide meaningful leadership roles for youth in allaspects of service learning.
For more information on the Commission's report, visitthe News &amp; Issues section of the ASCD Web site(www.ascd.org).

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