Publications Awards
Congratulations go to numerous ASCD publications for winning awards in 1999. EL won two awards from the Society of National Association Publications (SNAP): The September, October, and November issues of EL received the silver award in the general excellence category; and the October issue on "Redefining Literacy" won the bronze award in the single topic issue category. In addition, two EL articles were finalists in the 1999 EdPress awards. EL also won an APEX award of excellence for the October issue.
The 1999 ASCD Annual Report won an APEX award and a bronze SNAP award. A Passion for Teaching, edited by Sarah L. Levine, was an EdPress finalist for special publications. The Understanding by Design Handbook, by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins, won an EdPress distinguished achievement award in curriculum materials and was a finalist for the EdPress Golden Lamp award. Design as a Catalyst for Learning, by Meredith Davis, Peter Hawley, Bernard McMullan, and Gertrude Spilka, won a 1999 CHOICE award.
Congratulations, Photo Contest Winners
Thanks to everyone who participated in ASCD's 2000 Photo Contest. The judges awarded six prizes for excellence in color and black-and-white photography. First place in color went to Flynn Larsen of South Pasadena, California. Her photo showed a self-portrait by a 3rd grader at Inner City Arts in Los Angeles. The second place winner was "Fossil Collecting," by Meredith Barish of Corona Park, New York. In third place, we had a tie: N. Y. O'Connell of Bay Shore, New Jersey, took a photo of a pair of young red-haired scholars; and Zuladawn Hall of Las Vegas, Nevada, snapped a colorful group shot of students gathering before a float in a parade.
First place for black-and-white photos went to Stephanie Felix of Seattle, Washington, for her photo of students and a teacher investigating nature during an outdoor education program. Second place went to Tim Vesser of LaGrange, Illinois, for his shot of "Teaching the Teacher."
The UBD Exchange
You've read the book, you've heard the speakers—now you can collaborate online! ASCD has developed a professional development tool for Understanding by Design users that knows no geographic bounds: the UBD Exchange on the Internet. Teachers can receive feedback on lesson and unit designs from anyone anywhere, including from program authors Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. An archive of units stored on the database gives teachers access to lessons that they can use and adapt to their own classrooms.
The subscription price is $19 for individuals (ASCD members and nonmembers); $399 for schools; between $999 and $1,999 for school districts (price varies according to district size); and $199 for college and university professors. Visit or call the Service Center at (800) 933-2723 to sign up.
ASCD Resources on “Teaching the Information Generation”
- Harris, J. (1998). Design Tools for the Internet-Supported Classroom. Price: $16.95 (member); $20.95 (nonmember). Stock no. 198009.
- Technology Planning. Price: $396 (member); $466 (nonmember). Stock no. 496260.
- Whelmers: 41 Awesome and Easy-to-Do Science Activities. Price: $60 (member and nonmember). Stock no. 598206.
Brief Takes
ASCD has three networks related to technology: Integrating Technology in the Elementary Classroom (Linda E. Ash, e-mail:; Online Learning Network: Learning on the Internet (Barry Wansbrough, e-mail:; and Technology in the Middle School (Judy Horn, e-mail:
ASCD's Curriculum*Technology Quarterly (CTQ) newsletter offers strategies for using technology in the classroom and information on best practices in the content areas. Upcoming CTQs highlight technology use in the following subjects: science education (fall 2000); foreign language instruction (winter 2001); visual and performing arts (spring 2001); mathematics (summer 2001). Price: $39 (member); $46 (nonmember).
Only the Best Online
A new PD Online, Only the Best: Evaluating Educational Software and Internet Resources, helps educators make informed decisions about their electronically based instructional materials. The course features articles, book excerpts, audioclips, and videoclips. The first lesson, "Educating in the Information Age," describes why teachers need to adapt their pedagogy to meet the needs of a generation that learns and lives differently. For more information, visit
For Your Calendar
- 2001: Boston, March 17–19
- 2002: San Antonio, March 9–11
- 2003: San Francisco, March 8–10
- Leading Change for Student Results,Atlanta, Georgia: Dec. 11–12, 2000
- Supporting Teachers of Diverse Learners, Atlanta, Georgia: Dec. 11–12, 2000