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Log in to Witsby: ASCD’s Next-Generation Professional Learning and Credentialing Platform
October 1, 1993
4 min
Vol. 51
No. 2


What Doctors Can Teach

I thoroughly enjoyed “What Doctors Can Teach Teachers about Problem-Based Learning” (Aspy, Aspy, and Quinby, April 1993). It was heartening to note that education literature supports problem-based learning. As a medical educator, I can testify that students so engaged are more motivated than are their peers studying medicine in the traditional way.
—A. Patrick Jonas, M.D., Vice-Chair and Director, Clinical Services, Department of Family Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

What Teachers Can Teach

“What Doctors Can Teach Teachers...” was a real eye-opener. Not that it contained new information, but that it was treated as such. Not only has problem-based learning been taught in model science teacher education programs for more than 25 years, but it is also a strategy used in exemplary K–12 science classrooms nationwide.
While I welcome physician preparation programs to the world of authentic learning, the authors and editors would be advised to read science education research and rewrite the article for medical professionals.
—John Stiles, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa

Doing Authentic History

I applaud Kobrin, Abbott, Ellinwood, and Horton for involving students in an authentic learning of history (“Learning History by Doing History,” April 1993). I'd like to call to the attention of readers another such model: National History Day (NHD).
High school students spend nine months working on a project in which they interview witnesses to history, visit archives, review photographs and documents, and then work together to present their research to judges on National History Day. Last year 600,000 students participated. For further information on NHD, contact Dr. Gordon McKinney at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742.
—Marilyn Page, Johnson State College, Johnson, Vermont

Doing Authentic Research

“Involving Students in Authentic Research” (Schack, April 1993) was excellent. Those interested in such learning experiences might also want to contact the National Student Research Center, which disseminates information about doing scientific research in all curriculum subjects. Write: NSRC, Mandeville Middle School, 2525 Soult St., Mandeville, LA 70448; (504) 626-5980.
—John I. Swang, Teacher/Director, National Student Research Center, Mandeville, Louisiana

Misconceptions about ATE Yearbook

Although it is gratifying that Beverly Cross refers to the ATE Yearbook, Diversity and Teaching, in her article (“How Do We Prepare Teachers to Improve Race Relations?” May 1993), she conveys several misconceptions.
First, the citation suggests Suzanne Pasch and colleagues edited the book. In fact, Mary O'Hair and Sandra Odell are the editors of the ATE Yearbook series. Pasch and her colleagues wrote one of the chapters in a book that focuses on many kinds of diversity.
More important is the assertion that the Yearbook offers two views of preparing preservice teachers for urban schools—distinguished by whether or not special knowledge and skills are needed by urban educators. This is not an assertion of the Yearbook or of the association. Nor is it an assertion of the article. Pasch refers to the debate that took place at three urban universities as the impetus for a collaborative study of what successful urban teachers thought were the skills, knowledge, and attitudes future urban teachers should possess. The remainder of the article deals with the findings of the research.
ATE is committed to urban education and our programs are testimony to this commitment.
—John McIntyre, Past President, Association of Teacher Educators, Reston, Virginia

Reply: Inaccurate Citation Regretted

It was not my intent to misprepresent the Yearbook. I commend it for addressing issues of diversity at a time when improving race relations is so critical.
—Beverly E. Cross, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Objections to Channel One Are Petty

Drew Tiene's report that students who watch Channel One learn more current events than usual is not surprising (“Channel One: Good or Bad News for Our Schools?” May 1993). That teachers approve of its news stories is a tribute to the usefulness of the program.
It was gratifying, too, to note that even viewing commercials can be an educational experience. Channel One offers a unique opportunity for students to examine the psychological principles of subconscious manipulation.
In contrast, the objections to the use of this program—based on the idea that popular culture should have no place in the curriculum—appear to be petty, even delusory. Such traditional thinking has opposed each new addition of materials into school studies. It thus should be ignored.
—Patrick Groff, Professor Emeritus, School of Teacher Education, San Diego State University, San Diego, California

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