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December 6, 2021
Vol. 79
No. 4
Numbers of Note

Perception Gap on Student Motivation?

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    Numbers of Note December 2021 illustration
      48% (teachers) vs. 18% (students)
      48% (Percentage of teachers who said their students were a lot less motivated during the pandemic) vs. 18% (Percentage of students who said they were a lot less motivated during the pandemic).
      82% (teachers) vs. 38% (students)
      82% (Percentage of teachers who said their students' morale in school was lower than before the pandemic) vs. 38% (Percentage of students who said their morale in school was lower than before the pandemic).

      Education Week Research Center. (2021). Student engagement during the pandemic: results of a national survey. Retrieved from www.edweek.org/research-center/reports

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