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November 1, 2019
Vol. 77
No. 3

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Professional Learning

September 2019: What New Teachers Need

Burning Bright

This issue of EL magazine [What New Teachers Need] is on fire. I love that it honors the need for building relationships and productive routines. The issue should be read by every teacher and administrator.
Jessica Walters (@jesswalte)
EL magazine, you are on fire this week with great articles. Keep pushing us forward! Our students deserve it.
teachableprincipal (@teachablelead)
Loved this EL magazine. In addition, the Research Alert ["Putting Out the Welcome Mat"] gave me an idea to check on how my teachers are doing with greeting in my school.
Zekeriya (@ZekeriyaLearns)

The Real Deal

Proud of your good work, Craig Simmons! I have all my new and experienced teachers reading this article ["The Real Deal on Classroom Management for New Teachers"]! It's timeless and powerful! Thanks, EL, for all the knowledge and positive vibes you send out to educators! I'm your biggest fan!
Salome Thomas-EL (@Principal_EL)

Permission to Say "No"

Always a good practice to help new teachers "juggle elephants" ["How Principals Can Support New Teachers" by Todd Whitaker, Madeline Whitaker Good, and Katherine Whitaker]. Finding a balance between personal, family, and professional lives is a must. Help new teachers learn how to take care of themselves.
Edward Schumacher (@ColumbiaPapa)

Everyone Needs a Pep Talk

Chase Mielke's recent EL magazine article ["A Letter to New Teachers"], while written for new teachers, is applicable for all teachers—rookies and veterans.
Dominic Bauer (@dominicbauer12)

Curbing Racial Bias

This month's Educational Leadership issue includes this article ["The Anti-Racist Educator" by Tracey A. Benson and Sarah E. Fiarman] in an edition about what new teachers need. Just another reason I love ASCD.
Mike Adams (@MAdamsEducation)

The Mystery of the Chalk

Reading this issue wondering why the new teacher [on the cover] is holding chalk? Can't imagine this is in error—perhaps a subliminal message pointing out how ill-equipped our new teachers' classrooms are? What do others think?
Sandy Cameli (@DrCameli)
We dare not reveal our secrets—but we're all about encouraging inquiry. —Editors (@ELmagazine)

Coming in December/January

Our December-January issue will explore changing strategies and school cultural shifts to improve instruction and opportunities for English language learners. Articles will look at new challenges faced by ELLs, both inside and out of school, and examine how schools can become more intentionally supportive, enriching spaces for these students. Authors include Jessica Lander, Larry Ferlazzo, Montserrat Garibay, Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove, and Margarita Calderón.

To purchase back issues of EL, go to www.ascd.org/elbackissues.

EL’s experienced team of writers and editors produces Educational Leadership magazine, an award-winning publication that reaches hundreds of thousands of K-12 educators and leaders each year. Our work directly supports the mission of ASCD: To empower educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. 

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