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March 1, 2022
Vol. 79
No. 6
Readers React

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EngagementProfessional Learning
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An Engaging Issue

Thank you to ASCD's EL magazine contributors for sharing so many wonderful strategies teachers and staff can use immediately to purposely engage students.
Tika Epstein (@tikaee)

Beyond the Illusion

This article tackles such an important topic for today's educators. ["The Engagement Illusion" by Douglas Reeves and Neil Gupta].
Keri Snowden (@KeriSnowden)
Great article [by Douglas Reeves and Neil Gupta]! Human interactions, connections, looking beyond the superficialities! Spot on.
Christine Bemis (@ChristineBemis2)

The Power of Reflection

Reflection is the path to learning—for kids and adults. Thank you for the reminder and practice. ["How Year-End Reflection Fosters Resilience" by Elena Aguilar].
Emily Wilson (@EW2510)

Making Lessons That Matter

Wow! One of the best pieces I've read in a while ["The Code for Student Engagement" by Chad Prather].
Jon Harper (@Jonharper70bd)
This is a great read that I'll be thinking about for a while! "We love students well when we embrace them—when we strive to know them, hear their stories, accept their experiences, and begin to understand their eyes on the world." Nice work, Chad Prather.
Kelly Looman (@LoomanICdms)

Stopping the Culture of Compliance

Thank you for this VERY insightful piece about engagement and pedagogy ["Zaretta Hammond on Equity and Student Engagement," interview by Anthony Rebora]. We need to stop creating a culture of compliance in education!
Kelly Sain (@kjsain)
As always, so much wisdom from Zaretta Hammond. We must resist the pedagogy of compliance. And love the framing of unfinished learning rather than learning loss.
Jennifer Liu (@msjenniferliu)

Team Talk

It's so important to build teams that can be honest in dialogue and that keep students at the center of the discussion. This is a great read! ["It's Not Collective Efficacy If It's Easy" by B.C. Preston and Jenni Donohoo, November 2021]
Piper Riddle (@PiperRiddleUT)

Motivating Younger Teachers

Such a powerful article to understand Gen-Z teachers! Thank you. ["Four Steps to Empower Gen Z Teachers" by Silvia Breiburd.]
Zekeriya Ocel (@OcelsEdJourney)

Share Your Opinion!

Love (or dislike) something in a recent issue of EL? We want to hear about it! Write to us or reach out on Twitter. Printed reactions may be edited for clarity and length.

EL’s experienced team of writers and editors produces Educational Leadership magazine, an award-winning publication that reaches hundreds of thousands of K-12 educators and leaders each year. Our work directly supports the mission of ASCD: To empower educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. 

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