A+ Issue
The grading edition of EL magazine is spot-on. Wish I could go tell first-year-teacher me how to make it better for all students. Excellent reading cover to cover.
—Kim Britton (@KimBrittonEdu)
Thank you ASCD for this month's edition. Best practices for grading shouldn't be sidelined during a pandemic.
—Amanda Davis (@aplusleader)
Congratulations on your outstanding September issue on grading. I am proud to see that Educational Leadership consistently produces excellent issues. In the years when I was involved, we promoted many exciting innovations, most of which are not apparent in today's schools. Large-scale programs falter because teachers are unconvinced or unsupported, whereas changes at classroom or school level may be hampered by the rules of their parent institutions. Grading is a prime example; it is so fundamental that some school systems have policies hampering local educators from trying anything different. Nevertheless, it is imperative that you continue advocating improvement. Students deserve it.
—Ronald S. (Ron) Brandt, Educational Leadership Executive Editor Emeritus
Antiracist Grading
I don't know if I've ever nodded my head and yelled out "Yes!" while reading a magazine article before, but I just did while reading Cornelius Minor's interview in this month's EL magazine. The whole issue is a must read!
—Jeremy Resnick (@JeremyResnick)
To engage in antiracist grading practices, we must first examine and reflect on our own biases and beliefs around student achievement. This article highlights critical points for educators to keep in mind.
—Dr. Limaris Pueyo (@LimarisPueyo)
Necessary read! The ideology of "should know" is more prevalent now than ever before as our country is very concerned about kids "falling behind" in the midst of the pandemic. We must analyze and deconstruct this damaging, often racist, ideology—falling behind who, what, etc.?
—Tori Pagano (@PaganoPosts)
Get Comfortable with Discomfort
Really enjoyed Matthew R. Kay's [column, "Well-Rounded Grading"]. The whole issue is very timely. I'm ready to get uncomfortable when we talk about grading, are you?
—Meghan Timlin (@MsMeghanTimlin)
Not Nerdy-Smart!
If you wanted to know just how nerdy I really am, I've been an ASCD member since 2009 and still refer back to old issues of their EL journal daily! Every. Last. One.
—Dave Johnson (@NotDaveJohnson)
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