Welcome Back!
I became a member of ASCD again! Looking forward to getting EL magazine in my mailbox.
—Stephanie Hunte (@AyaAcademy)
Food for Thought for a New School Year
The summer issue of ASCD's EL magazine has lots to think about. Like Craig Simmons's thoughts on vertical planning ("Instructional Planning After a Year of Uncertainty"). Could be key to addressing gaps caused not only by our school's disrupted year, but also by shifts in our new math doc.
—Tracey Tinley (@IdeaShopPD)
Food for thought! ("Improving Lesson Planning with Pre-Work" by Jessica Holloway and Rebecca Doxsee). I'm wondering how I might be able to help my team incorporate this into their PLCs…
—Michelle Eckler (@DrMEcklerWPS)
As we head into another school year and begin planning the all-important professional development, this article ("The Obvious Path to Better Professional Development" by Mike Schmoker, May 2021) provides some tremendous guidance.
—Brett Gruetzmacher (@BGruetzmacher)
Group Dynamics
Excellent read. ["Planning for Fair Group Work" by Susan Brookhart and Amir Rasooli]. We need to replace "group projects" (and all their baggage and gamesmanship and inequity) with "team efforts" (which demand both individual responsibility/accountability and positive interdependence among members).
—Brett Bowers (@brettbowersAVID)
To explore past issues of Educational Leadership, go to https://www.ascd.org/el.
A Matter of Principal
Great piece, Mark Anthony Gooden ("Five Equity Practices for Principals," online)— any fool can learn from his own mistakes! A wise man or woman learns from the mistakes of others! The safety and emotional well-being of our students must be the priority, and equity-focused leaders understand that! Be courageous!
—Salome Thomas-EL (@Principal_EL)
From the Archives
This is one of the most accurate and potentially most impactful articles I've read on improving our practice ["The Seven Habits of Highly Affective Teachers" by Rick Wormeli, October 2015]. A must read.
—Amy Fast (@fastcrayon)
Making Time for EL
One of the many reasons I love summer; I get to catch up on my ASCD magazines that I couldn’t get to throughout the school year.
—Patrick Newsome (@pn6609)
—Patrick Newsome (@pn6609)
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We want to hear about it!
Write to us at edleadership@ascd.org or on X @ELmagazine. Printed reactions may be edited for clarity and length.