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December 6, 2021
Vol. 79
No. 4
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Five Curriculum Priorities to Create Engaging Learning

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    Photo of the book cover for Making Curriculum Matter
      Making Curriculum Matter: How to Build SEL, Equity, and Other Priorities into Daily Instruction, by Angela Di Michele Lalor (ASCD, 2021)
      At the heart of education and curriculum design are two fundamental questions: What should we teach and how should we teach it? Educators who are striving to design and deliver well-rounded learning experiences can feel overwhelmed by the possibilities.
      To take the weight off educators' shoulders in making these vital decisions, author Angela Di Michele Lalor identifies five key priorities for creating curriculums—practices, deep thinking, social and emotional learning, civic engagement and discourse, and equity—that can contribute to engaging, meaningful learning for all students.
      Making Curriculum Matter digs into the foundation of curriculum design by describing, providing strategies, and offering reflective activities to strengthen each element to create rigorous, engaging lessons and units. As it pertains to civic engagement and discourse, for example, a curriculum that engages learners will create opportunities for students to engage in all levels of community—local, state, national, or global—and provide students with strategies and protocols that enhance communication skills specifically.
      Lalor argues that a curriculum that matters is about changing the lens for viewing, discussing, and implementing each element—not about adding more to what happens in the classroom.

      Making Curriculum Matter: How to Build SEL, Equity, and Other Priorities into Daily Instruction

      Read the new book by Angela Di Michele Lalor.

      Learn More

      Esteban Bachelet is an associate online editor of Educational Leadership magazine.

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