Developing Personal and Social Responsibility
Developing Personal and Social Responsibility, Donald R. Grossnickle and Ronald D. Stephens.
This guide for parents and teachers suggests strategies for teaching personal and social responsibility at home and at school. Part 1 provides background information on teaching responsibility, part 2 identifies 14 keys to responsibility, and part 3 describes exemplary responsibility programs and resources.
Available from National School Safety Center, 4165 Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 290, Westlake Village, CA 91362. 1992. 134 pp. Paperbound. $9.
Honesty, Perseverance and Other Virtues
Honesty, Perseverance and Other Virtues, Reynold Bean.
Part of a four-book series based on The Four Conditions of Self-Esteem, this book suggests how to teach civic virtues in elementary and middle school classrooms without compromising the separation of church and state. The text includes worksheets on seventeen civic virtues such as fairness, courage, and loyalty. The three remaining books in the series focus on social skills, creativity, and success.
Available from ETR Associates, P.O. Box 1830, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1830. (800) 321-4407. 1992. 203 pp. Paperbound. $19.95.
Helping Your Child Learn to Read
Helping Your Child Learn to Read, Bernice Cullinan and Brod Bagert.
This guide from the U.S. Department of Education gives parents of children under 10 suggestions and activities to encourage their children to read. Activities are designed to make reading enjoyable for children and to increase children's love of language through writing, talking, and listening.
Available by writing to How to Help Your Child Learn to Read, Dept 617Z, Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, CO 81009. 1993. 58 pp. Paperbound. Free (limit 2).
An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement
An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement, Marie M. Clay.
Observing young children's progress in literacy is the focus of this book, which presents a two-part observation survey. Part 1 tells how to make and use running records of reading texts; part 2 focuses on observing students' skills in letter identification, concepts about print, word tests, vocabulary, and dictation. Thoughts on summarizing and using the observations conclude the book.
Available from Heinemann, 361 Hanover St., Portsmouth, NH 03801-3912. (603) 431-7894. 1993. 96 pp. Paperbound. $15.
RespecTeen: Speak For Yourself, Lutheran Brotherhood.
This social studies curriculum introduces 7th and 8th graders to the American political process and, through a letter-writing contest, teaches them how to express their views to their Congressional representatives. Last year, 12,000 students wrote letters on topics such as the environment and teen pregnancy. Based on their letters, 51 students are chosen each year to represent their states and the District of Columbia at the RespecTeen National Youth Forum in Washington, D.C.
The curriculum packet includes instructions and reproducible handouts. All letters must be mailed by January 31, 1994.
Available from RespecTeen, 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415; (800) 888-3820. 1993. 9 pp. Booklet. Free.
Study Skills
Study Skills, Anne Thomas.
Do study skills help children learn? How should they be taught, and when? This booklet defines study skills and explores the implications of teaching them in schools.
Available from Oregon School Study Council, 1787 Agate St., University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. 1993. 44 pp. Paperbound. $7.