Key Whole Child Indicators on School Leadership
Our school monitors and assesses extracurricular, cocurricular, and community-based experiences to ensure students' academic and personal growth (Challenged, No. 9).
Our school policies and climate reinforce citizenship and civic behaviors by students, family members, and staff and include meaningful participation in decision making (Engaged, No. 3).
Our school integrates health and well-being into the school's ongoing activities, professional development, curriculum, and assessment practices (Healthy, No. 7).
Our school sets realistic goals for student and staff health that are built on accurate data and sound science (Healthy, No, 8).
Our school provides our students, staff, and family members with regular opportunities for learning and support in teaching students how to manage their own behavior and reinforcing expectations, rules, and routines (Safe, No. 6).
Our school teaches, models, and provides opportunities to practice social-emotional skills, including effective listening, conflict resolution, problem solving, personal reflection and responsibility, and ethical decision making (Safe, No. 7).
Our school personalizes learning, including the flexible use of time and scheduling to meet academic and social goals for each student (Supported, No. 1).
Our school staff understands and makes curricular, instructional, and school improvement decisions based on child and adolescent development and student performance information (Supported, No. 5).
Our school uses a variety of methods across languages and cultures to communicate with all families and community members about the school's vision, mission, goals, activities, and opportunities for students (Supported, No. 7).
Our school helps families understand available services, advocate for their children's needs, and support their children's learning (Supported, No. 8).
Every member of our school staff is well qualified and properly credentialed (Supported, No. 9).