Bonnie D. Houck
Bonnie Houck brings a passion for education and literacy to her work, specializing in literacy development, standards-aligned instruction, and positive school change. Her research interests include reimagining small-group instruction, instructional coaching and mentoring, and overall strategic school improvement.
She is currently instructional supervisor for Literacy for Edina Public Schools, principal consultant of Houck Educational Services, and education consultant. For nearly a decade, she has led the Literacy Leadership Academy through her state principals' association. At this four day workshop series for leaders, Houck supports their literacy development and the use of the Literacy Classroom Visit Model, enabling them to analyze and improve literacy instruction in their school or district.
During her 25 years as an educator, Houck has served as the literacy professor at Bethel University, reading program coordinator, professor-lecturer at the University of Minnesota, national education consultant, program director for the McKnight Foundations' Education and Learning program, and the Minnesota Department of Education's reading specialist.